Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. As we age, hormone levels decline, causing various symptoms and health issues. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal hormone levels, thereby improving many aspects of health.

At Thrive Hormone Therapy in Sandy Springs, GA, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients find relief from symptoms related to hormone imbalance. Our expert physicians create personalized treatment plans using bioidentical hormones tailored to your unique needs.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are biologically identical to those produced naturally in the human body. This means they have the same molecular structure as your endogenous hormones, allowing them to bind to receptors and mimic the action of naturally occurring hormones.

Some examples of bioidentical hormones include:

  • Estradiol
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • DHEA

Key benefits of bioidentical hormones:

  • Made from plant sources
  • Molecularly similar to human hormones
  • Customizable dosing and combinations
  • Fewer side effects
  • Natural hormone rhythm restoration

Our Services

Why Choose Bioidentical HRT?

There are several key reasons to choose bioidentical HRT over traditional hormone replacement:

1. Minimal Side Effects

Bioidentical hormones have a molecular structure identical to the hormones produced by your own body, meaning they can bind to receptors and mimic natural hormones. This results in excellent efficacy with fewer side effects.

Synthetic hormones often have a different molecular structure that may not properly fit receptors in the body, causing more pronounced side effects.

2. Customizable Treatment

Every person has a unique hormonal environment and requirements. At Thrive Hormone Therapy, treatment plans are fully individualized based on symptoms, medical history, lab testing, and treatment goals.

Custom compounded bioidentical hormones allow for personalized dosing, combinations, and delivery methods. This optimizes results while minimizing risk.

3. Natural Hormone Rhythm

Working closely with patients, our practitioners design regimens intended to mimic the natural daily hormonal rhythms in the body. This avoids unnatural patterns of highs and lows.

Therapies like gels and creams allow sustained releases over 24 hours rather than sudden spikes and drops seen with some injections.

4. Relief from Debilitating Symptoms

Balancing key hormones can provide immense symptom relief, enabling patients to get their lives back. Reported benefits include:

  • Reduced hot flashes and night sweats
  • Improved sleep quality
  • More energy and stamina
  • Better sexual function
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Joint pain relief
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved mood regulation
  • Clearer thinking and focus
  • Weight/fat regulation

Bioidentical HRT gets to the root cause of hormonally-driven symptoms for complete relief.

Restore hormone balance with bioidentical therapy.

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Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

The first step is accurately diagnosing any hormone deficiencies through testing. At Thrive Hormone Therapy, we evaluate:

  • Symptoms - We fully understand how low hormones manifest physically and mentally.
  • Medical history - We gather a detailed history of health conditions and concerns.
  • Lab testing - We utilize advanced hormone blood panels assessing many key markers.
  • Lifestyle factors - We look at diet, activity levels, stress, and exposures.

This comprehensive evaluation allows our practitioners to detect specific imbalances. Most importantly, it guides the design of fully customized treatment plans to restore optimal hormonal balance.

Key Hormones Assessed

Some of the essential hormones we regularly test for imbalances include:


Estrogen is essential for reproductive health, bone density, skin elasticity, joint lubrication, vascular health, and brain function. Low estrogen causes hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, heart disease risk, and osteoporosis.


This hormone controls estrogen dominance, influences mood, regulates blood sugar, promotes restful sleep, and prepares the uterus for pregnancy. Low progesterone causes PMS, anxiety, infertility, and estrogen excess.


Though often considered the "male" hormone, testosterone plays a key role in women too - boosting libido, energy levels, muscle mass, motivation, confidence, and cognition. Low testosterone causes low sex drive, fatigue, weight gain, and mood instability in both men and women.


DHEA boosts immune function, elevates mood, increases energy levels, promotes longevity, enhances cognition, and helps regulate weight. DHEA deficiency causes premature aging, lowered immunity, neurologic decline, and increased disease risk.

Thyroid (T3/T4)

These metabolic hormones drive the body's energy production, temperature regulation, bowel function, cholesterol levels, body weight, brain development, bone maintenance, and heart health. Low thyroid slows metabolism, causing weight gain, fatigue, constipation, high cholesterol, clumsy thinking, and intolerance to cold.

Proper testing and assessment of all key hormones are essential for developing targeted, highly effective bioidentical HRT plans.

Starting Bioidentical HRT

The process of starting bioidentical HRT with Thrive Hormone Therapy is simple and straightforward:

Initial Consultation

During a 1-hour initial consultation, patients meet with one of our expert physicians specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy. Our doctors gather a detailed history of symptoms, medical conditions, medications used, lifestyle factors, treatment goals, and any concerns. This builds the foundation for developing a fully customized therapy plan.

Diagnostic Lab Testing

Comprehensive lab testing analyzes blood levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid. For women, this often incorporates sex-hormone binding levels and follicle counts too. The test results identify any hormone deficiencies or imbalances underlying symptoms.

Follow-Up Consultation

At a 30-minute follow-up consultation, test results are carefully reviewed. This enables fine-tuning and personalization of an optimal bioidentical hormone replacement regimen meeting the patient's unique needs and treatment goals.

Initiation of Therapy

Most patients see rapid benefits within 4-6 weeks of starting properly balanced bioidentical HRT. To ensure exceptional safety and efficacy, follow-up lab testing and doctor consults occur at regular intervals as part of therapy management.

The end result is maximized treatment response with virtually no side effects. Patients are empowered to retake control over their health, well-being, and quality of life.

Delivery Methods

There are multiple safe and effective methods to deliver bioidentical hormone therapy. The best choice depends on the hormones prescribed, dosing needs, treatment goals, and patient preference.

At Thrive Hormone Therapy, we thoughtfully determine optimal modalities tailored to each individual. Common delivery routes include:

Oral Dosage

Custom-formulated capsules, tablets, or sublingual drops allow precise measured doses. This mimics natural digestion and absorption. Oral delivery is excellent for hormones like progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, and more.

Transdermal Creams

Creams passively diffuse hormones through the skin into circulation over 12-24 hours, sustaining stable blood levels. This gently restores natural patterns. Creams work well for testosterone, estrogen, and others requiring higher doses.


While injecting hormones seems invasive, it offers some unique advantages. Injected hormones like testosterone enter circulation rapidly, reaching peak blood levels shortly after dosing. This simulates the body's natural rhythms. Effects may persist 1-4 weeks, depending on the hormone.

Pellet Implants

Tiny bioidentical hormone pellets are inserted under the hip skin, lasting 3-6 months. This achieves prolonged stable hormone levels in circulation without frequent dosing. Pellet therapy works well for both men and women.

We help determine optimal modalities for each patient based on hormone types, dosing needs, treatment goals, cost considerations, and personal preference. This ensures exceptional safety, efficacy, and convenience.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

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Lifestyle Recommendations

While bioidentical hormone therapy provides immense benefits, optimizing lifestyle habits amplifies results:


Eating a diet high in produce, lean proteins, healthy fats with low sugar stabilizes hormones and reduces inflammation for optimal well-being. Target 7-9 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.


Regular activity maintains a healthy body weight, lowers inflammation, reduces stress hormones, boosts circulation, and allows better hormone receptor sensitivity. Aim for 30 minutes daily.


Getting 7-9 hours of sleep nightly enables critical hormone regeneration and tissue restoration. This sustains energy levels and cognitive performance while aiding weight management.

Stress Reduction

Excess stress elevates cortisol, which can suppress thyroid, reproductive, and growth hormones. Activities like meditation, yoga, massage, and nature exposure lower stress for better hormone function.

Toxin Avoidance

Many common chemicals like BPA, phthalates, and others are hormone disruptors. Reducing the use of plastics, personal care products with chemicals, and pesticide residues limits hazardous exposures.

While we cannot always control intrinsic hormonal decline with aging, optimizing modifiable lifestyle factors allows us to age gracefully on our own terms.

Thrive Hormone Therapy - Your Home for Bioidentical HRT

At Thrive Hormone Therapy in Sandy Springs, GA, we specialize in using bioidentical hormones to resolve troublesome symptoms plaguing your daily life. We see amazing transformations occur when hormone levels are properly restored!

Why Choose Us?

  • Specialized expertise in bioidentical hormone therapy
  • Advanced diagnostics and precision balancing
  • Fully personalized treatment plans
  • The latest innovations in hormone testing and delivery
  • Ongoing fine-tuning for exceptional outcomes
  • Enhanced safety protocols and quality controls
  • Over 15 years serving the community

We are passionate about using cutting-edge bioidentical hormone replacement strategies to optimize patients' health, well-being, and vitality across the lifespan.


Balancing key hormones with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can profoundly improve many aspects of health in both women and men. Working with specialized medical providers enables safe, customized treatments providing immense benefits.

If you struggle with debilitating symptoms related to hormone decline, we encourage you to explore the proven solutions available. Restore your health and reclaim your life!

At Thrive Hormone Therapy in Sandy Springs, GA, we have helped thousands of patients find relief from issues related to menopause, andropause, and thyroid disorders through expertly tailored bioidentical hormone therapy. Contact us today to see how we can help you on your journey to optimal wellness!

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